Individual Coaching and
Training Plans

Our individual coaching is for those who love challenges, who have specific goals, and who want to be pushed to achieve those goals. This program is personal coaching/mentoring for serious individuals. Scroll down to begin application process.


Individualized training program

Every exercise, movement, workout, set, rep, etc. is custom tailored to fit your needs and goals. Your program will not look exactly like anyone else’s program because you and your goals are not exactly like anyone else. Although I will be coaching you from afar, don’t get mistaken, I will be coaching you every day via daily check-ins and progress reports.


Upon beginning this program you will complete an in-processing phase where you are thoroughly assessed. This process helps me build the most complete, holistic program for you while considering your training experience, injury history, athletic background, joint mobility limitations, initial strength/endurance levels, nutrition habits, daily schedule and time constraints, and much more.


personal mentoring

My goal with my coaching program is not a transactional experience. It is a transformational experience. I am eager to personally know you, your family, and your asprations and work my tail off to make the biggest impact on your life that I can. My commitment is to fully serving you.

Nutritional guidance and accountability

Fat loss? Muscle gain? Father of 3? Student at a university? Whatever your goals and situation I will guide you towards healthy and consistent nutritional habits. Not with a diet, but a performance nutrition plan based on your daily life and built around your training schedule.

Due to the personal attention and coaching each individual receives, slots for our coaching program are extremely limited.

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty
— Proverbs 14:23

interested in our individualized coaching? Apply here: